How To Increase Your Yearly Revenue By 25%+

It all starts by analyzing your Key Performance Indicators.

They are responsible for telling you the health of your business.

Yet, they are some of the most underlooked and undervalued subjects in business…

And I say this because over the last 17 years they have helped me:

[+] Scale from 1 gym location all the way to 34 gym locations predictably

[+] Build a team of 160+ team members around them

[+] And do $20 million in sales year after year

And to this day, I still look at them every single month!

But the one that I stare at like a hawk is our close rate.

Why's that?

Well, let me explain.

Let’s say you are closing about 40% on training...

And charging $79 per week or $316 monthly (which is what we charge).

And 20 new people walk through your door that are interested in training.

That would leave you with 8 new clients paying you $79 a week or $316 a month.

Or, $30,336 for the year.

Now, let’s just say the next month everything stayed the same besides your close rate.

And let’s say you closed just 10% better, or 50% (which is what we do).

Well instead of getting 8 new clients and $30,336 in yearly revenue.

You would acquire 10 new clients and $37,920 in yearly revenue.

An increase of 10% in your close rate.

Really increased your yearly revenue by 25%.

Let me say that again…

An increase of 10% in your close rate. Really increased your yearly revenue by 25%.

And the really alarming thing about this is when you blow it up in a 12-month time period.

Instead of closing at 40% and getting 96 new clients and $364,032.

With just a 10% increase in your close rate, you would get 120 new clients and $455,040.

24 more clients. $91,008 more revenue. 25% increase in business.

So what is the lesson here?

Make sure you are tracking the right things in your business.

And if you aren’t, start doing so!

If you want access to more training like this.

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1) Join our exclusive Facebook group of gym owners & myself sharing what is working in 2023 by clicking here.
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