Our services

How Our Campaigns Never Fatigue. Even After 12 Months.

Over the last 4 years, we have spent $4,000,000+ on Facebook & Instagram testing what gets gym owners the highest quality leads for the cheapest cost. After working with 600+ gyms and constantly testing different, pictures, videos, copy, headlines, and offers, we cracked the code on generating gyms consistent opportunities week in and week out!

The approach we take, is not your generic approach. Where you make a campaign, set the radius to 3 miles for men and women, and throw a couple ads out to the market in hopes to generate opportunities. We take a unique approach to yield consistent results. Which we call our Decagon Matrix. This involves segmenting the distribution of our ads to 8 different audiences based off demographics & strategic geo-fencing. Resulting in ads that don't just work the first month, but for the next 12 months and beyond.

And the best part about this is that we always take the risk by testing new marketing ideas at our 36 owned gyms that are in rural, metro, low-income, high-income, and in between markets so you don't have to take on that risk at your own gym. AND with that, you get the highest converting marketing campaigns that are proven to work across all markets.

what makes our lead nurturing system the most effective?

The typical gym owner has to be on top of all new leads immediately, sell them, train them, be on top of staff, keep customers happy, keep the gym clean, and worry about financials. Which results, in most being spread too thin and following up with with leads takes a seat in the back.

Imagine having a system that follows up with new leads instantly, in a personal manner to get them to book and show at the highest rate. That is exactly what our system does. It completely removes you from having to make any effort to get leads to show up. This gives you back the time to focus on what you do best, connecting and convincing locals in your community to take the leap of faith in prioritizing their health & wellness at your gym.

Before we developed this system, we relied on the gym staff or owner to handle following up with leads. Resulting in a 10% show rate on leads generated. Unhappy with those results, we decided to develop a system that handles it for gym owners so they don't have to while 3.5xing their result.

What makes our coaching different?

Over the last 17 years, we have created a tried and true blueprint on how to grow, scale, and operate gyms. We have scaled from 1 all the way to 36 locations that includes 24/7 and boutique training facilities. With this operation we have a team of 160+ team members that contribute and help our facilities generate 20+ million and a 25%-30% profit margin.

You will get the coaching and mentoring you need to take your gyms' from where it is currently at to where you have always envisioned it being. We have learned from trial and error over the last 17 years so you don't have to waste time making the mistakes we did to learn the solutions we have already perfected and applied. This will allow you to leap frog my 17 years to create the gym business of your dreams in a matter of months rather than a matter of years.

This information includes our lead generation systems, lead nurturing systems, lead conversion systems, operational support, and much more to ensure your gym business is a well oiled machine. You will get 1-on-1 support so that all mentoring and coaching are customized to your specific situation.

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Scaling Your Gym Has Never Been Easier

Book a free consultation

If you’re a gym owner looking to take your business to the next level, GMN can help. We offer free consultations and we’d love to talk with you about how we could help to grow and scale!

Get the help you need

Over 500 gyms have used GMN to get more clients, boost their revenue, and get the support they need to take their gym to the next level. Check out our case studies page to see how we can help you.

scale your business

You’re about to see your gym revenue skyrocket! Our clients see an average of $91,234 in additional personal training revenue over 120 days.

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